Nitrogen production by membrane generator
Membrane generators particularly suitable for applications not requiring a high purity of nitrogen or in case where nitrogen must be produced under extreme environmental conditions in remote locations (desert, arctic or offshore environments).
Novair offers a wide range of solutions for on-site production of nitrogen by membrane generator, adapted to the most difficult operating conditions:
- NITROMEM compact generator
- Skid solutions, compact, easy-to-install nitrogen generators
- Container solutions, mobile and robust, particularly adapted to the needs of the oil and mining industries
- Moduln2 compact mobile solution: the plug and play nitrogen generator
- Special packaging designed: custom-made and according to specifications
Features and Benefits
- Continuous process
- Reduced system footprint, no need for feed air dryer and feed air receiver. Smaller dimensions of the membrane nitrogen generator
- Higher nitrogen discharge pressures up to 12 bar(g) without need for nitrogen booster
- Guaranteed stable nitrogen purity
- Easy fleet management
- Ultra-fast reaction time
Technical data
- Purity : 5,0 to 0,35 vol.% residual oxygen
- Flow rate: from 0,5 to 6.000 m3/h
- Pressure : up to 22 bar
- Dew point of gas compressed: < -65°C
- Marine
- Mining Industry
- Oil Industry
- Inerting of chemical products
- Gas Assisted Injection Moulding (GAIM)
- Inerting of flammable liquid
- Prevention of dust explosions
- Central heating stations
- Inerting of beverages and food
- Metal 3D print